How I Learned One Strategy From The BIBLE And Then Closed My Next 22 Deals In A Row!
BIBLICAL STRATEGIES That Transformed a Struggling Team of Three Agents Into The 16th FASTEST GROWING COMPANY IN AMERICA on the INC 500 LIST!
There will be NO REPLAYS, so be sure to pick a time that works well for you.

Overlooked Biblical Strategies That Shocked Everyone!
If you've ever lost a deal you believe you should have won, or maybe you just made your presentation and they went dark on you, and you don't know why... it's time to change that outcome. For most people, not knowing how to fix that has cost them tens, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars over the years. Knowing how to fix that could quite possibly double, triple or even quadruple your income - without working any harder! Here's how I learned to close 100% of my deals. It might work for you...
Here's What You'll Learn...

HONEYBEE TRAIT: How The Law of the Sower Can Yield 84% of the Sales With Just 17% of the Effort. Not Only Does This Allow You to Accomplish Far More in Less Time, But it Can Potentially Multiply Your Current Sales Results.
LION TRAIT: A 5-Step Sales Process That Cooperates With How Your Prospects Are Wired And Shows You How Simple Incremental Improvements at Each Step Can Increase Sales Exponentially.
LABRADOODLE TRAIT: How Asking the Right Questions Based on the Moses Questioning Strategy Uncovers Your Prospect's True Buying Motives and Helps Close Way More Sales With Absolutely No Pressure Tactics.
LAMB TRAIT: To Lead Well, You Must First Know How and What to Follow, Learn the One Strategy From Proverbs That I FOLLOWED Explicitly - Allowing Me to Close my Next 22 Sales in a ROW!
What America's Most Beloved Motivational Speaker Had To Say...

"It's not often I have the opportunity to learn something totally new to me. The bottom line is success principles do not change. They were given to us originally in God's Word, and they work regardless of whether we credit them to God or not.
Michael Pink's adaptation of the truths of the rainforest to success in business is unique and fascinating. I was unprepared for how intricately woven these principles are. I believe business leaders at all levels can benefit.
We asked Michael to present his Biblically based sales training program... Not only was it one of the highest response rates ever... but the content was so impacting, our chat rooms filled up quickly and remained full for the duration of the event."
The Selling Among Wolves Philosophy...
Selling is the transference of passion, belief and conviction. It's NOT about becoming a smarter wolf, a nicer wolf, a Christian wolf or in some way, a better wolf. No, succeeding in sales is about outserving your competition in the best interest of your customer. It’s about discovering your customer’s real needs and meeting them. It’s about understanding their goals, their dreams, their vision for the future, then coming alongside, shouldering the burden and helping them get to their destination.
It’s about not backing down from a ruthless competitor. It’s about hanging in there with the customer and walking them through their doubts, calming their fears and solving their problems. In short succeeding in sales is about bringing to bear on the customer’s behalf, that which benefits them most in a bold, uncompromising manner.
If you're looking for trick questions, magic phrases or "power closes" where you win at all costs, you won't find that here. But, if you want to learn how you can become super successful in sales and business, admired by your peers and loved by all your customers, I invite you to join me for this very special online event and see what you've been missing. You'll be glad you did!
Meet Your Host...

Michael Q. Pink is a true pioneer in the world of sales and business. Since 1988, he has been at the forefront of applying Biblical Strategy and Natural Law to sales and business practices. His innovative approach has earned him widespread recognition, including his own daily radio spot on nearly 200 stations nationwide, and numerous television appearances and magazine features including SUCCESS Magazine.
A few years ago, Michael led a fledgling sales team to become the 16th fastest-growing company on the INC 500 list. In addition to his successful career, Michael is also a prolific author, having published over 20 books and sold hundreds of thousands of copies.
What Others Are Saying...

I cannot think of another "self-help" book that equals it!
“Michael Pink’s was 4 volume book set, “GOD’S BEST KEPT SECRETS” has come to us at the right time with answers to guide aspiring entrepreneurs toward the pinnacle of their dreams. I cannot think of another "self-help" book that equals it! It is so packed with insight that I read it twice to absorb the content and I recommend it without reservation."
PETER J. DANIELS // Founder of the World Center for Entrepreneurial Studies

"This foundational masterpiece is deep!
"It's filled with practical business strategies and proven business models, all encoded in the Scripture. It's nothing short of amazing! With easy-to-apply formulas and step-by-step instructions, this book contains over 100 life changing secrets - and it only takes one to change your life."
BENHAM BROTHERS // Best-Selling Authors, Nationally Acclaimed Entrepreneurs

"Unique and fascinating"
“Michael Pink’s adaptation of the truths of the rainforest to success in business is unique and fascinating. Rainforest Strategy reveals remarkable facts about effective leadership skills, along with practical, workable suggestions, policies and processes that can be applied to virtually any business of any size and purpose.”
ZIG ZIGLAR // America's Favorite Motivational Speaker

"Michael Pink has raised the bar! "
"This will help you do twice as much in half the time... with a lot less stress. These rapid-growth business strategies adapted from the rainforest are simply brilliant! This captivating study is nothing short of inspired. You will get far more out of your life, job, and business if you tap into these dynamic principles."
PETER LOWE // Founder of Get Motivated Seminars

"Consuming and continually referencing this book is essential to your success!"
“Father’s success secrets are throughout the Bible and in all of His creation; Everything He does is wired for success. The absolute amazing news about all that, is that Father uniquely gifted and called Michael Pink to gather and reveal the natural, spiritual, social, and relational truths for success for His Body in this age, at this time."
RICK OSBORNE // Founder of TranzformU with over 10 million of his books sold!

"One of America's greatest teachers..."
"You were born with the heart of William Wallace… As one of America’s Greatest Teachers and Evangelists with a destiny to knight businessmen and women in the army of God. It is an honor to know and learn from you. You are one of my hero’s."
JOHN BEEHNER // CEO, Wise Counsel

"You are among 'the best'"
"I was prompted to let you know how blessed your God gifted talent as an author inspires me, I say that with credibility after reading thousands upon thousands of books over the last 42 years + doing interviews, you are one of my top 10 best authors. Continue using God’s gift."

"Incredible resource!"
"All of it is really very helpful. This is an incredible resource! Keep up the good work"

"You'll be fascinated"
“Michael Pink gives all of us a lot to learn and apply… I know you’ll be as fascinated with his insights and conclusions as I was.”
PAT WILLIAMS // Senior Vice President, Orlando Magic

“Michael Pink has the most brilliant and original way to do it
"Get make-it-happen wealth builders and business people to start thinking of these ideas and models and being inspired to these exciting mind-set changing and improving ideas. We will get rich and save the environments simultaneously.”
MARK VICTOR HANSEN // Co-author, Chicken Soup for the Soul and The One Minute Millionaire

An extraordinary book combining the natural & spiritual"
"...That will allow you to gain incredible insights into the nature of God in a way that will allow you to apply them in your business life for success as well as all areas of your life. Your life will be enriched by reading and applying the principles revealed in this book. Well done Michael!”
OS HILLMAN // Author of Today God is First, Founder of Marketplace Leaders

"God’s Best Kept Secrets is a WOW book!"
"The culmination of the most important secrets (principles) the LORD has revealed to Michael during his life. Reading any one of the chapters will inspire you. Reading the book will absolutely transform your life and business."
DR. JOSEPH PECK // The TIME DOCTOR, President of Empower 2000

You’re application of Biblical principles is without equal
"You easily motivate us to use them in our daily lives. You are a truly inspiring teacher and we are blessed to have you as a friend and an educational mainstay of the NACFC (National Association of Christian Financial Consultants)."

"The coaching call you did went just outstanding. I truly hope that we can work together in a significant way over the next several years."
RON BLUE // CEO, Kingdom Advisors

“The techniques Michael outlines will help make any product successful and should even be considered during the development process.”
WES CANTRELL // Former CEO of Lanier Worldwide

"Far exceeded our expectations..."
"I want to thank you for your excellent presentation... without a doubt, it far exceeded our expectations! ...Many of the people in attendance have been through a number of sales training seminars prior to yours but remarked that this was the best they had ever participated in."
CARL JEFFREY WRIGHT // CEO, Urban Ministries International
While it's true there are those who misappropriate God's Word for their own selfish purposes with little or no regard for truth, that in no way nullifies the wisdom of Scripture and its application to every area of life - including your business and professional life.
God says in Isaiah 48:17, "I am the Lord your God, Who teaches you to profit, Who leads you by the way you should go." Being profitable or fruitful in business is a good thing, when done God's way.
Furthermore, God explicitly gave Joshua instructions for the welfare of His people... "This Book of the Law (the first 5 books of the Bible) shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success." (Joshua 1:8)
After that came men like Solomon, the richest man in the world, who recorded 3,000 proverbs and left them behind as bread crumbs on the path to success. He was sought out by the men of all nations and annually received over $1 billion in voluntary consulting revenues in today's currency. (1 Kings 10:14)
Success principles go beyond the Old Testament. Even Southwest Airlines made the words of Jesus, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" their core operating principle and they’ve been featured consistently in Fortune's Most Admired Companies since 2009, ranking #3 among the world's airlines in 2023.
So, to answer that question... YES, using the Bible to teach success is actually smart and profitable.
There is but one true Gospel and it speaks to every area of life. It neither exalts poverty nor glorifies wealth. However, it seems that God wanted His children to learn His ways that we might prosper. Consider King Uzziah... 2 Chronicles 26:5 says that "as long as he sought the Lord, God made him to prosper". That makes me think God is not opposed to prosperity – as long as you seek the Lord. Or as Jesus put it... “Seek first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added to you.” (Matthew 6:33)
Moses informs us that it is God who gives us the “power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant...” It was King David who famously said, "Let the Lord be magnified, Who has pleasure in the prosperity of His servant.”
To be clear, it is foolish to chase after riches because as Solomon said, “riches make wings and fly away”. (Proverbs 23:5) That cautionary note is amplified by the Apostle Paul who adds... "Those who desire to be rich fall into temptation and a snare... for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows." (1 Timothy 6:9-10)
The counterbalance is found in Proverbs 22:4... "By humility and the fear of the Lord, are riches, honor and life". With humility comes grace (James 4:6) which is God’s ability working in, through and for us to accomplish what we could never accomplish on our own.
Our goal is simply to teach folks how to think like God, become skillful in business and in the process achieve good success, be fruitful in every endeavor, provide well for their family and advance the gospel of Jesus Christ worldwide.
You can learn from anyone. That's true. But I believe worldview matters, especially when it comes to matters of mindset which is so important for success in life. There are billionaire scientologists and new age gurus (who often quote Scripture) and feed their "wisdom" to those who mistakenly think they can "eat the meat and spit out the bones". But knowledge is more like water than meat.
The Bible tells us there are two kinds of wisdom. The first is earthly - a self-seeking wisdom that James says is sensual and demonic (James 3:14-15). The second is from above and has seven attributes which I believe correspond to the 7 pillars of wisdom mentioned in Proverbs 9:1. Which would you rather have?
Think of it this way... You're hot, exhausted and parched. You come to the edge of the Mississippi River and despite its many contaminants, your thirst drives you on, and you drink the water. It's cold. It's wet. And it's refreshing. That's what you want from water. But it has a bit of a smell and an after taste. At first you don't care because you're so thirsty. So you drink and drink from the river and you get used to it. But then somewhere down the line you develop health problems and you realize too late, that it was the water.
The Bible compares information to water in Ephesians 5 and other places. And unlike separating meat from bones, it's very difficult to remove all the unseen toxins from the water. Better just to drink pure water from a mountain stream, than to fill yourself with the easy access water from the polluted river. That's why we recommend learning God's ways and letting His rivers of living water flow out of you. (John 7:38)